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網站各種優惠情報一網打盡,讓您的韓國之旅更輕鬆便利! 凡是Visit Korea網站會員皆能隨時列印下列各種優惠券。


優惠期限 : 2017.04.12~2017.12.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



優惠期限 : 2017.03.24~2018.01.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



優惠期限: 2017.03.24~2017.12.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



優惠期限: 2016.09.26~2017.12.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



優惠期限: 2016.07.01~2017.04.30
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹


●SM網上免税店 歡樂福利連連送

優惠期限: 2016.02.16~2017.12.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



優惠期限: 2016.01.10~2017.12.31
優惠內容 :☞優惠詳細介紹



Beautiful Mountains in Central Japan

Beautiful Mountains in Central Japan

-Japan's spritual home-

Kiso is located in the southeastern part of Nagano Prefecture, which lies almost at the center of Japan's main island, Honshu. Kiso is the headwater area of Kiso River and is a mountainous region, wedged between Mt. Komagatake (2,956 meters) and Mt. Ontake (3,063 meters) of the Central Alps, where altitudes vary greatly. It is an area about 52 kilometers from east to west and 63 kilometers from north to south.
In the Edo Period (1603-1867), post stations were developed along five key routes established around Japan. After the completion of the Nakasendo, one of five routes, the lumber industry there flourished by utilizing bountiful local forest resources.
Kiso is well known as one of the handful regions sustaining "virgin landscape of Japan", thanks to the bountiful nature, history and tradition created by Kiso's valley culture and the Kiso's people's unsophisticated human nature.

Kiso, with 94% of its area occupied by mountain forest and wilderness, is a natural treasury.
Especially the "Kiso Cypress" or 'Hinoki', nurtured by abundant rain and a cool climate, it is famous for being used as a sacred tree of Japan's Historic Ise Grand Shrine.
Kiso's symbolic Mt. Ontake is known as a mountain worshiped from ancient times, and is a popular mountain climbing spot where people are attracted to its elegance and magnificence.

The skills required to make traditional art and crafts such as Kiso lacquer-ware, combs, and containers, which are made from the wood nurtured by Kiso's natural environment, are handed down from one generation to the next.
Many provincial festivals and traditional activities that grew up together with history still remain, and Kiso-bushi, folk music, and the Kiso-odori, festival dance, are famous signature summer events. We encourage you to try popular "Goheimochi", the original rice cake of the region, and "Soba", noodles made from buckwheat, which have been known as the taste of Kiso through the ages.


旅遊強打推薦 – 8 招玩享K-Style Hub!(Visit Korea)



可能許多外國旅客還不知道的好地方—K-Style Hub

這裡是網羅韓國各地旅遊資訊以及結合豐富體驗、展覽與購物等全新的複合空間,共佔地4層樓,2樓為旅遊諮詢中心,3樓與4樓為韓食展示館與體驗館,5樓則是藝術商品館。每一樓都有不同的主題,在這裡我們提供「8個絕招」讓你一次遊遍K-Style Hub

  1. 翻找旅遊資訊並小作休息!
  2. 韓國精彩景點,虛擬實境搶先玩!
  3. 與韓流明星拍照留念!
  4. 了解身體的重要時間,醫療觀光區!
  5. 試穿韓服好美麗!
  6. 在韓食展示館感受韓食魅力!
  7. 親手做韓食!
  8. 採購韓國代表紀念品!

在離開K-Style Hub 前,最後一個要推薦的是位於5樓的藝術商品館。這裡是將代表韓國的文創商品齊聚一堂的展示空間,大致分為展示區和宣傳區兩個區塊,展示區陳列著被指定為韓國優秀文化商品的藝術商品,讓人可以一窺韓國藝術家的美感和獨特創意。宣傳區則可參觀以韓國文化體驗或是平昌冬季奧運為主題所打造的空間,相當豐富有趣。

K-Style Hub
☞ 地址: 首爾市中區清溪川路40韓國觀光公社2~5樓
☞ 交通方式: 地鐵1號線鍾閣站5號出口,步行約4分鐘/ 2號線乙支路入口站2號出口,步行約5分鐘 / 5號線光化門站5號出口,步行約8分鐘
☞ 開放時間
- 2樓(旅遊諮詢中心): 09:00~20:00
- 3~5樓(韓食文化體驗館): 10:00~20:00
※ 5樓韓服體驗區服務時間為10:00~18:00(至17:45截止)
☞ 網站:韓英日中)
☞ 諮詢電話
- 韓食展示館: +82-2-6053-7176(英日中)、+82-2-6053-7179(英日中)
- 韓食體驗館: +82-2-6053-7177/7196(英)、+82-2-6053-7178(日)、+82-2-6053-7179/7199(中)
☞ 韓國旅遊諮詢熱線: +82-2-1330(韓英日中)



Address : Sands Cotai Central Cotai Strip, Macao
pc_conrad-macao-cotai-central-1 pc_conrad-macao-cotai-central-room pc2_conrad-macao-cotal-central-03
April - December 31, 2017 King Deluxe 2 Queens Deluxe
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 370.00 CAD 418.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 425.00 CAD 468.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 553.00 CAD 598.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two A-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Sands Cotai Central, At Sands Cotai Central Cotai Strip, Macau
pc_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-%e9%87%91%e6%b2%99%e5%9f%8e%e4%b8%ad%e5%bf%83%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97 pc_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-%e9%87%91%e6%b2%99%e5%9f%8e%e4%b8%ad%e5%bf%83%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-room pc2_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-03
April - December 31, 2017 King Superior Double Superior
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 242.00 CAD 288.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 278.00 CAD 322.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 360.00 CAD 405.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two C-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Estrada do Istmo, Lote 3, Cotai Strip, Macao
pc_the-parisian-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e4%ba%ba-2 pc_the-parisian-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e4%ba%ba-1 pc2_the-parisian-macau-03
April - December 31, 2017 Deluxe King Deluxe Double
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 298.00 CAD 345.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 348.00 CAD 389.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 479.00 CAD 525.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two C-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Estrada da Baia de N, Senhora da Esperanca, s/n, The Cotai Strip, Taipa
pc_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-%e5%a8%81%e5%b0%bc%e6%96%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e6%9d%91%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-2 pc_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-%e5%a8%81%e5%b0%bc%e6%96%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e6%9d%91%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc2_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-03
April - December 31, 2017 Royal Suite Bella Suite
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 358.00 CAD 398.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 405.00 CAD 448.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 523.00 CAD 566.00

Black out dates :

Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two B-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : 288 Avenida Comercial De Macau
pc_grand-emperor-%e8%8b%b1%e7%9a%87%e5%a8%9b%e6%a8%82-1 pc_grand-emperor-%e8%8b%b1%e7%9a%87%e5%a8%9b%e6%a8%82-2 pc2_grand-emperor-03
April 01, 2017- March 31, 2018 Deluxe Room w/2 buffet breakfast
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 209.00
Friday and Saturday Night CAD 340.00
Extra bed with breakfast CAD 72.00

Black out dates :
Apr 14-17/ Apr 30 - May 2 / May 29-30 / Sep 30 - Oct 7 / Nov 16-18 / Dec 24-26 /
Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 1, 2018 / Feb 17-23 / Mar 30-31, 2018 inclusive

GRAND LISBOA ( 新葡京酒店 )
Address : Avenida de Lisboa. Macau
pc_grand-lisboa-%e6%96%b0%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc_grand-lisboa-%e6%96%b0%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-2 pc2_grand-lisboa-03
April - December 31, 2017 Superior Room
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 370.00
Friday and Saturday & Weekend rate Period CAD 483.00
Extra bed / third person charge CAD 75.00
Breakfast per person CAD 32.00

Black out dates :

Apr 28-30/ Oct 1-7 / Nov 17-18, 2017 inclusive

Weekend rates period:

Apr 2-3,16 / May 28-29 / Dec 24 & 31, 2017


  • Extra benefit for all guest :complimentary minibar beverages for the consumption in room & free WIFI
Address : Rua De Pequim, No.82-86, Macau
pc_holiday-inn-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc_holiday-inn-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-02 pc2_holiday-inn-macau-03
April 2017 - March 2018 Standard Room
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 155.00
Friday CAD 182.00
Saturday CAD 215.00
Public Hoilday CAD 308.00
Extra bed per person CAD 67.00
Buffet Breakfast per person CAD 19.00

Black out dates :

Sep 30 - Oct 8 / Nov 16-19, 2017 / Feb 14-25, 2018 inclusive

Public Hoilday :

Apr 1-4, 14-16 / Apr 29 - May 3, 27-30 / Jul 1 / Oct 27-29 / Dec 22-26, / Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 3, 2018 / Mar 29-31, 2018 inclusive
Address : 2-4, Aveenida de Lisboa, Macao
pc_hotel-lisboa-%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-01 pc_hotel-lisboa-%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-02 pc3_hotel-lisboa-03
April 01 - Dec 31, 2017 East Wing-Standard or Superior
Sunday - Friday CAD 213.00
Saturday and Saturday rate Period CAD 250.00
Extra bed / third person charge CAD 67.00
Breakfast per person per meal CAD 32.00

Black out dates :

Apr 28-30 / Oct 2-6 / Nov 17-18, 2017 inclusive

Saturday Rates Period:

Apr 16 / May 28 / Oct 1 / Dec 24 & 31, 2017 inclusive


  • Extra benefit for all guest :complimentary minibar beverages for the consumption in room & free WIFI
SOFITEL MACAU at PONTE 16 ( 澳門十六浦索菲特 )
Address : Rua Do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau
pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-01 pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-02 pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-03
April 2017 - March, 2018 Superior (city view) w/2 breakfast
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 239.00
Friday CAD 278.00
Saturday CAD 375.00
Holiday & Event Rate CAD 428.00
Buffet Breakfast per person CAD 32.00
Extra bed per person CAD 110.00

Black out dates :

Feb 15 - 22, 2018 inclusive

Holiday & Special Event Period

Apr 14-16/ Apr 30 - May 3 / Oct 1 - 7 / Dec 24-26 / Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 / Mar 30-31, 2018 inclusive

Terms and Conditions :-

  1. Payment are subject to the date set by booking system.
  2. Payment by CASH or BANK DRAFT; 5% service fee by credit cards.
  3. All payment are non-transferable and subject to change fee.
  4. This special fare is first-come-first serve! According to the exchange rate, Campbell Travel reserves the right to adjust the fare without prior notice.
  5. For responsibility, booking terms & conditions, please check Terms & Conditions in our web-site .
  6. Full travel insurance coverage is highly recommended.
  7. Tour Code: Mfmhtl2017



Address : Sands Cotai Central Cotai Strip, Macao
pc_conrad-macao-cotai-central-1 pc_conrad-macao-cotai-central-room pc2_conrad-macao-cotal-central-03
April - December 31, 2017 King Deluxe 2 Queens Deluxe
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 370.00 CAD 418.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 425.00 CAD 468.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 553.00 CAD 598.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two A-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Sands Cotai Central, At Sands Cotai Central Cotai Strip, Macau
pc_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-%e9%87%91%e6%b2%99%e5%9f%8e%e4%b8%ad%e5%bf%83%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97 pc_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-%e9%87%91%e6%b2%99%e5%9f%8e%e4%b8%ad%e5%bf%83%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-room pc2_holiday-inn-macao-cotal-central-03
April - December 31, 2017 King Superior Double Superior
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 242.00 CAD 288.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 278.00 CAD 322.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 360.00 CAD 405.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two C-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Estrada do Istmo, Lote 3, Cotai Strip, Macao
pc_the-parisian-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e4%ba%ba-2 pc_the-parisian-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%b7%b4%e9%bb%8e%e4%ba%ba-1 pc2_the-parisian-macau-03
April - December 31, 2017 Deluxe King Deluxe Double
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 298.00 CAD 345.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 348.00 CAD 389.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 479.00 CAD 525.00

Black out dates :
Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two C-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : Estrada da Baia de N, Senhora da Esperanca, s/n, The Cotai Strip, Taipa
pc_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-%e5%a8%81%e5%b0%bc%e6%96%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e6%9d%91%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-2 pc_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-%e5%a8%81%e5%b0%bc%e6%96%af%e4%ba%ba%e5%ba%a6%e5%81%87%e6%9d%91%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc2_the-venetian-macao-resort-hotel-03
April - December 31, 2017 Royal Suite Bella Suite
Sunday - Thrusday + Oct 06, 2017 CAD 358.00 CAD 398.00
Firday + Oct 05, Dec 24, 25 CAD 405.00 CAD 448.00
Saturday + Oct 4 CAD 523.00 CAD 566.00

Black out dates :

Apr 29-30/ Oct 1-3 / Dec 31, 2017 inclusive

  • "Monkey King" show tickets included in this package is for shows at 7:30pm on arrival date and is un-changeable.
  • Two B-Reserve tickets are available for collection at hotel concierge and tickets have no cash value and non-refundable, transferred or cancelled.
  • The assignment of the show seat will be on first-come-first serve basis and subject to the allocation of tickets.
  • Additional tickets to "Monkey King" are based on the full fare.
Address : 288 Avenida Comercial De Macau
pc_grand-emperor-%e8%8b%b1%e7%9a%87%e5%a8%9b%e6%a8%82-1 pc_grand-emperor-%e8%8b%b1%e7%9a%87%e5%a8%9b%e6%a8%82-2 pc2_grand-emperor-03
April 01, 2017- March 31, 2018 Deluxe Room w/2 buffet breakfast
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 209.00
Friday and Saturday Night CAD 340.00
Extra bed with breakfast CAD 72.00

Black out dates :
Apr 14-17/ Apr 30 - May 2 / May 29-30 / Sep 30 - Oct 7 / Nov 16-18 / Dec 24-26 /
Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 1, 2018 / Feb 17-23 / Mar 30-31, 2018 inclusive

GRAND LISBOA ( 新葡京酒店 )
Address : Avenida de Lisboa. Macau
pc_grand-lisboa-%e6%96%b0%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc_grand-lisboa-%e6%96%b0%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-2 pc2_grand-lisboa-03
April - December 31, 2017 Superior Room
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 370.00
Friday and Saturday & Weekend rate Period CAD 483.00
Extra bed / third person charge CAD 75.00
Breakfast per person CAD 32.00

Black out dates :

Apr 28-30/ Oct 1-7 / Nov 17-18, 2017 inclusive

Weekend rates period:

Apr 2-3,16 / May 28-29 / Dec 24 & 31, 2017


  • Extra benefit for all guest :complimentary minibar beverages for the consumption in room & free WIFI
Address : Rua De Pequim, No.82-86, Macau
pc_holiday-inn-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-1 pc_holiday-inn-macau-%e6%be%b3%e9%96%80%e5%81%87%e6%97%a5%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-02 pc2_holiday-inn-macau-03
April 2017 - March 2018 Standard Room
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 155.00
Friday CAD 182.00
Saturday CAD 215.00
Public Hoilday CAD 308.00
Extra bed per person CAD 67.00
Buffet Breakfast per person CAD 19.00

Black out dates :

Sep 30 - Oct 8 / Nov 16-19, 2017 / Feb 14-25, 2018 inclusive

Public Hoilday :

Apr 1-4, 14-16 / Apr 29 - May 3, 27-30 / Jul 1 / Oct 27-29 / Dec 22-26, / Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 3, 2018 / Mar 29-31, 2018 inclusive
Address : 2-4, Aveenida de Lisboa, Macao
pc_hotel-lisboa-%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-01 pc_hotel-lisboa-%e8%91%a1%e4%ba%ac%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97-02 pc3_hotel-lisboa-03
April 01 - Dec 31, 2017 East Wing-Standard or Superior
Sunday - Friday CAD 213.00
Saturday and Saturday rate Period CAD 250.00
Extra bed / third person charge CAD 67.00
Breakfast per person per meal CAD 32.00

Black out dates :

Apr 28-30 / Oct 2-6 / Nov 17-18, 2017 inclusive

Saturday Rates Period:

Apr 16 / May 28 / Oct 1 / Dec 24 & 31, 2017 inclusive


  • Extra benefit for all guest :complimentary minibar beverages for the consumption in room & free WIFI
SOFITEL MACAU at PONTE 16 ( 澳門十六浦索菲特 )
Address : Rua Do Visconde Paco de Arcos, Macau
pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-01 pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-02 pc2_sofitel-macau-at-ponte-16-03
April 2017 - March, 2018 Superior (city view) w/2 breakfast
Sunday - Thrusday CAD 239.00
Friday CAD 278.00
Saturday CAD 375.00
Holiday & Event Rate CAD 428.00
Buffet Breakfast per person CAD 32.00
Extra bed per person CAD 110.00

Black out dates :

Feb 15 - 22, 2018 inclusive

Holiday & Special Event Period

Apr 14-16/ Apr 30 - May 3 / Oct 1 - 7 / Dec 24-26 / Dec 31, 2017 - Jan 2, 2018 / Mar 30-31, 2018 inclusive

Terms and Conditions :-

  1. Payment are subject to the date set by booking system.
  2. Payment by CASH or BANK DRAFT; 5% service fee by credit cards.
  3. All payment are non-transferable and subject to change fee.
  4. This special fare is first-come-first serve! According to the exchange rate, Campbell Travel reserves the right to adjust the fare without prior notice.
  5. For responsibility, booking terms & conditions, please check Terms & Conditions in our web-site .
  6. Full travel insurance coverage is highly recommended.
  7. Tour Code: Mfmhtl2017


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