Category Archives: Newsletter

[TOKYO NOW vol. 91] Find the Fall Tastes and Feel the Cultural Heartbeat of Tokyo

Allan West, Nihonga Master
Inspired by nature

Nihonga is a term used to designate Japanese paintings that follow particular techniques, conventions and materials; it emerged as a term during the Meiji period, to differentiate it from Western paintings. Nihonga pigments are notably made from natural ingredients such as animal protein and minerals. The subjects also often represent plant and flowers and are deeply connected to the changing seasons. The American artist Allan West has spent years mastering the art of Nihonga, adding his unique vision and point of view as a foreign artist residing in Japan. West has an open atelier in the traditional neighborhood of Yanaka, where not only does he exhibit his artwork to anyone interested in admiring it, but also paints and answers the questions of anyone interested in this art, in the hope that the dying art of Nihonga thrives once more.

OBON AND LOTUSES - Soulful Summertime
Obon is a festival in Japan that honors the souls of one's ancestors. Observed in August throughout most of Japan, in Tokyo and several other regions it takes place in July due to calendar differences. Another prominent feature of July and August is the blossoming of lotuses. These flowers are usually associated with Buddhist symbols of enlightenment of the soul. An iconic Tokyo spot for lotus-viewing is the Shinobazu Pond in Ueno.

Experience Traditional Japanese Theater by Firelight
For more than a thousand years, the people of Japan have enjoyed night performances of Noh theater illuminated by bonfires and torches or under the moonlight. Even today, this tradition of Takigi Noh (Noh by firelight) is very much alive and you can experience it for yourself in Tokyo from early spring through late October.

Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri: Remembering History
On the 29th and 30 th of September, 2018, Shinagawa holds a festival to remember and celebrate the time in history when it was the first stop on the Tokaido road connecting Edo and Kyoto. Diving straight into the Edo period means you will see a lot of locals parading in costumes from those bygone days.

International City of Arts and Culture - Toshima
From 1st September through 9 th December 2018, six different cultural programs will take place in Toshima city as part of its cultural festival. Toshima City is home to the vibrant Ikebukuro as its center. This festival aims to turn Toshima into an International City of Arts and Culture.

Laugh and Learn at the Japan Traditional Culture Festa
Japan has a rich and complex culture that goes back thousands of years and differs from region to region. Sometimes, it can feel a little bit overwhelming, but at the Japan Traditional Culture Festa, you can learn all about Japanese art, food, and music in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.

<strongTASTE OF FALL: Sanma (Pacific Saury) and Matsutake (Pine mushroom)
Fall is abundant with food that reaches the zenith of taste. Persimmons, chestnuts, sweet potatoes, and especially matsutake mushrooms and sanma (Pacific saury fish) are all fall delicacies in Japan. You can try grilled Pacific saury at the Sanma Festival in Meguro, and there are many delightful individual places in Tokyo like Wakuta(Ginza) and RIHGA Royal Hotel Tokyo that provide matsutake mushroom (pine mushroom) dishes.

A Guide to Tokyo's FREE Buses
Tokyo has one of the most advanced train systems in the world, which can make getting around the capital an expensive activity. So why not take advantage of the free bus services in Tokyo?

The Soul Food of Japan's "Connection Day"
Japan holds many festivals during the summer, but they don't just fall on any random day. Most celebrations are held on "ennichi" ("connection days"), so called because of the dates' association with various deities in Shinto or Buddhism. However, most modern Japanese festivals have lost their religious significance, instead becoming focused on one thing: delicious and inexpensive food.

Cultural Convergence – The Murray, Hong Kong, a Niccolo Hotel

Hong Kong is Asia’s world city where everything converges. Embedded within the vibrant and dynamic city, lies ‘Old Town Central’. This recent initiative by the Hong Kong Tourism Board celebrates the convergence of culture, arts, heritage and cuisine with a series of five walking trails running close to The Murray – a famous landmark, which is iconic of the past, present and future of Hong Kong.

Discover more from The Murray, Hong Kong:
Official Site:

Explore Old Town Central’s Art Scene

Hong Kong Tourism Board

Downtown Hong Kong is more than a financial hub: roam the streets of Central and Sheung Wan and you will find galleries, art museums and art hubs, as well as street art. Renowned hairdresser and art platform organiser Ray will bring you on an exploration of the area’s creative scene.

Old Town Central — A Taste of the Community

Hong Kong Tourism Board

Nana, owner of popular tea shop teakha, guides you through Sheung Wan to reveal the best dining options in the area. Follow her as she combs the market for fresh ingredients to create local tastes that morph influences from both the East and the West.

Old Town Central (Hong Kong Tourism Board)

Hong Kong Tourism Board

Old Town Central (OTC) is the name for a compact neighbourhood in Central which is packed with heritage sites, art scenes, designer boutiques, and dining and entertainment outlets. Check out with local insiders and explore the treasures of the area!

中國國家旅遊局新聞 (2018年1月 – 2月)

2018年1月 - 2月


2017年,美國遊客數量持續增加,以及所有來中國的外國遊客數量再次增長。 根據中國國家旅遊局的統計,2017年前三季度(1 - 9月)赴美大陸赴美旅遊人數約為170萬人次,較2016年同期增長2.6%。

展望未來,2018年是綜合旅遊年,政府積極吸引更多投資進入旅遊業發展,確保更安全和更受監管的目的地,並為入境游客創造綜合和真實的旅遊體驗。 在這個綜合旅遊的新時代,中國國家旅遊局感謝您的更多幫助,對推動中國旅遊業的反饋,並期待與您建立新的持續合作夥伴關係。



由於中國宣布的“2018年綜合旅遊年”活動,今年前往中國的外國遊客將獲得全新的體驗 - 豐富的旅遊產品和路線,更好的當地基礎設施和服務,更多的本地活動等等。國家旅遊局(CNTA)。

主題旨在加強構建“美麗中國”的動力 - 更平衡和可持續的旅遊發展,更好地滿足國內和國際旅客的需求。 閱讀更多 .....


根據中國旅遊研究院的數據,2017年中國旅遊業實現利潤5.4萬億元人民幣(8500億美元),比2016年增長15.1%。初步數據顯示,該行業貢獻了9.13萬億元人民幣對中國的整體GDP,相當於2011年的11%經濟產出。 旅遊業創造了8000萬個就業機會,佔全國就業人口的10.28%。

中國越來越重視旅遊業,促進經濟增長,從投資和貿易轉向服務和消費。 它是全球最大的出境游客來源地和入境游客的第四大目的地。 閱讀更多 .....


中國新建或升級的子彈頭列車配備真空馬桶和專職專業清潔工,沿線衛生條件明顯改善,蠅蚊減少,防止部分疾病傳播。 火車上的改進是中國更廣泛的“廁所革命”的一部分。 2015年,國家旅遊局開始了為期三年的“廁所革命”,目標是在全國各地的風景區安裝3.3萬個新廁所併升級24,000個廁所,為公眾提供足夠清潔,免費,管理良好的廁所設施。 閱讀更多 .....



元宵節是元宵節,對中國人來說意義重大,標誌著春節的第十五天和最後一天。 它的起源可以追溯到漢代,從中國各大城市到中國各地的農村舉行各種傳統活動,如燈籠,月亮凝視,猜燈謎,舞獅,吃天元(糯米飯球)等。

上海桃花節(2018年3月 - 4月)

上海桃花節是上海地區花季高峰期的自然風光和民俗風情的年度盛典。 位於城市東南端的南匯桃花村,以及上海市區或郊區的其他公園,景區和鄉村,將有數千棵桃樹開花。 此外,當地居民和遊客將可以享受民俗表演,騎車和徒步旅行的風景路線等節日活動,並品嚐當地的美食佳餚。



北京國際跑步節是一個每年四月舉辦的半程馬拉松賽事,吸引了國內外的專業跑步者和當地居民。 該賽道通過北京的一些歷史景區,通常從具有里程碑意義的天安門廣場開始,到達奧林匹克廣場。 近年來,該節日收到了2萬多名參賽者,預計2018年將繼續增長。





自2018年1月起,中國國航,中國東方航空,海南航空,南方航空等中國主要航空公司宣布解除相關政策放鬆後航班使用手機的禁令。 這些航空公司的乘客現在可以在飛行期間使用智能手機和平板電腦,只要他們切換到飛行模式。 一些公司,即中國東方航空公司,中國南方航空公司和中國國際航空公司也提供空中無線網絡,允許乘客瀏覽互聯網,查看電子郵件和社交媒體,並通過手機支付賬單。




當地農民,技術人員和商人出席了綿竹市週二開始的為期七天的第一次培訓。 政府官員,大學學者和商業專家應邀在旅遊規劃,餐飲,環保等旅遊相關課程上講授培訓計劃。 閱讀更多 .....


位於中國東北部的中國“冰城”哈爾濱已開始直飛這座城市。 20分鐘的旅程飛過城市的地標,如冰雪世界,冰燈世界和太陽島國際雪雕藝術博覽會。

由於冰雪世界是冰雪奇緣的城堡和冰上滑梯,霓虹燈覆蓋的納尼亞自2015年向公眾開放以來吸引了數百萬遊客,因此哈爾濱已成為冬季目的地。 閱讀更多 .....



新年圖片 (中文:年畫,字面意思是“年畫”)是一種板花,一種中國傳統彩色木刻版畫藝術,在農曆新年期間用於裝飾。 高銀章(1835-1906)的圖片來源於天津楊柳青古鎮。 數百年前,大運河古鎮被稱為北方的藝術中心,南方與蘇州同名。 這是天津遊客必看的地方,體驗中國北方的傳統藝術,文化和習俗。